Feb 28, 2023Liked by Sherry Ning

Good stuff Sherry. Nice stuff.

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Thank you!

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Feb 22, 2023Liked by Sherry Ning

This was a fun read! I’ve held this beliefs quite deeply for some time now and have found that ever since internalizing it things have just gotten easier. Making and maintaining connections, performing well at work, even changing my self-identity and growing -- all of it has gotten easier. If I want to do something or meet some expectation, the only real way to do that (long term) is to fully internalize it so it becomes a part of me.

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I'm so glad you resonated with this piece - a huge part of authenticity is just staying truthful to yourself. Fabricated pieces of identity creates cognitive dissonance...trying too hard to be someone/something else means you'll forget who you truly are

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Feb 22, 2023Liked by Sherry Ning

Loved the text. This a great mindset to have around dating also.

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Good point - especially in the age of dating apps, having no strategy (i.e., being authentic) has become THE strategy because it bottlenecks the dating pool early on to see who wants to interact with the real you.

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Feb 22, 2023Liked by Sherry Ning

Beautiful writing. I, too, believe FULLY in the power of pure authenticity. By being “real,” we will inevitably find that niche and reach who we want to reach. I really enjoy reading your prose and your thoughts. Brava!

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Thank you Jason for your readership! :) The sooner you be yourself, the sooner the people looking for you will find you

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Sherry, I recently came across your writing. Poignant indeed. I relate on so many levels, being ourselves truly is the best medicine.

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I am myself in my writing and painting, but I feel like I give too much of myself away at time. Like you said in your other post: How to write “Real authenticity is not caring about authenticity at all. It’s doing whatever the hell you want.” maybe I just need to let go that little bit more as a part of me holds back. (Just thinking out loud, appreciate this post).

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Sherry, you have indeed found the secret to success.

Thanks for sharing it with me (oh sorry, with us). 😊

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100%. Reminds me of the Thelonious Monk quote: “A genius is the one most like himself”

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Been following you since December 2023. I now consider you as my digital mentor. Thank you for your guidance a s well as your outlook and POV. I feel extremely connected to this piece 🫶🏾

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Picasso: "I don't develop. I am"

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I'm trying so hard to find myself right now -- my voice, my will. I feel like an infant learning to take its first steps. How much longer?

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