Jun 25, 2023Liked by Sherry Ning

Thank you 😊

I always look forward to your "letters" in my inbox.

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that's so sweet :) thank you for your support!

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Excellently written as always, Sherry! It's such a delight to read your posts.

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thank you Shevaun!! <3 I enjoy your instagram posts as well

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I really enjoy the optimism of your take on creativity and creation stories. I'm a little haunted by Paul Tillich's assertion that philosophy and theology are tools for the escape from God in to atheism. I've an uncomfortable idea of a God who favours those who surrender creativity and intellectual pursuits. I often feel a tension in my chest when I create something that probes the nature of human beings and their mortality - and as an earnest writer, it's hard to avoid this. Julia Cameron's "The Artist's Way" stresses God's love of artists, but I struggle to see this as a straightforward, tender love. I seem to encounter Him in a sickly noontime twilight of my own making. How can a God-fearing person really create honestly?

I have sometimes (not even cynically) wondered if Matthew 16:25 is challenging those who live for creative expression to down tools and fall silent: "whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it." The struggle of a noisy mind trying to silence itself is surely greater than the effort to overcome physical addiction!

And somehow the very struggle seems to power creativity.

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Another banger of a piece, thank you. This explains the angst I get when I’m not painting, I just want express something primal and it’s frustrating when it’s not possible. Then there’s writing on Substack too as my form of creation. I do have an entrepreneurial streak, but I’d rather put my efforts into my art and writing than start a business, many times I’ve said to myself “I should start a ‘real’ business, make enough money then I can do my art” but the drive isn’t there.

There’s a really good video of Steve Jobs that many haven’t seen, you can watch it here https://youtu.be/kYfNvmF0Bqw?si=MncTMzVnEH7I3KUr

“Everything around you that you call life, was made up by people no smarter than you”

This always hits me hard, creation is so ubiquitous that we’re blinkered to it all around us. When I first watched this video I was walking around my neighbourhood built in the 1940s, I was in awe that someone designed and built the area, the roads, the houses, the street signs and paths.

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This was simply brilliant....

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