I have cut some of my favorite (and most honest) sentences out of my posts before. Eventually, after weeks, I hated myself for it. It's such a missed opportunity to be real. All because I don't want to lose 20 subscribers? Christ.
If I could put my finger on one thing you’ve taught me it’s to be bold in my convictions, precise in my language, and not be afraid to have spiky perspectives.
In ‘In the swarm’ by Byung-Chuk Han, the author exposes how demediatization follows massification in many domains. He cites author Bella Andre who argues that she has no trouble writing up books nor convincing an agent first. In her words, “I can write the exact book my readers want. I am my readership.” What seems to be the case is that in these modern times, the literature crisis is not in the quantity (as there are so many many new authors and books) but in the quality. I respect your voice here; there is no need to please anyone. For creative work, I think it takes time in solitude.
Thank you for this, Sherry. I find the more we can get specific about how we feel and what we've experienced the more polarizing it will be. The risk then repels some away but boy, does it draw others near. And there is the power. Thanks for the reminder.
I felt my spirit ramping up while reading this 🔥Thank you for the reminder we don’t need permission to be our boldest, fullest, most honest selves, Sherry.
this is a short yet important reminder. i love it. you're doing good work teaching us to write like ourselves, sherry
Thank you Gelo!
Looks like that makes three of us.
I have cut some of my favorite (and most honest) sentences out of my posts before. Eventually, after weeks, I hated myself for it. It's such a missed opportunity to be real. All because I don't want to lose 20 subscribers? Christ.
Shame on us.
Well put.
Another banger Sherry.
If I could put my finger on one thing you’ve taught me it’s to be bold in my convictions, precise in my language, and not be afraid to have spiky perspectives.
It’s something I admire about you.
Brilliant shot. I also felt the struggle to please and the struggle to be authentic and original.
In ‘In the swarm’ by Byung-Chuk Han, the author exposes how demediatization follows massification in many domains. He cites author Bella Andre who argues that she has no trouble writing up books nor convincing an agent first. In her words, “I can write the exact book my readers want. I am my readership.” What seems to be the case is that in these modern times, the literature crisis is not in the quantity (as there are so many many new authors and books) but in the quality. I respect your voice here; there is no need to please anyone. For creative work, I think it takes time in solitude.
This is a superb piece. It beautifully expresses that we all have something unique to say, in a unique way and it encourages us to SAY it.
Thank you.
i love it, great analogy. thanks sherry
Thank you for this, Sherry. I find the more we can get specific about how we feel and what we've experienced the more polarizing it will be. The risk then repels some away but boy, does it draw others near. And there is the power. Thanks for the reminder.
Great read thanks. Have to walk your path and not let others pull you off.
Wonderful needed this message thank you!
As a chronic people pleaser and burgeoning writer, I really appreciate this insight.
Amazing piece Sherry, really resonates.
I felt my spirit ramping up while reading this 🔥Thank you for the reminder we don’t need permission to be our boldest, fullest, most honest selves, Sherry.